Calling all trades…

If you have skills in carpentry, plumbing, electrical, HVAC, flooring, painting, or you are able and willing to do manual labor, WE NEED YOU NOW, MORE THAN EVER. We are in the process of fitting up 515 Main Street. We have approved plans prepared by a registered architect, Patrick Slattery of Lunenburg. We have a licensed carpenter, electrician, plumber and HVAC contractor who are heading up their respective trades. But WE NEED YOU TOO. We have a deadline that we can only meet with a “concert of construction.” Now with the word “concert” we are not referring to a musical performance. Playing a violin will not fitup the clinic! We are using the word “concert” here to refer to the “working together in a common plan.” Many hands make light work! If you can help us in any way, please send an e-mail to David Bodanza by filling out the Care Net Construction Project Volunteer form below.

David and Pete Cannavino review plans

How you can also mission with us:

  • Pray for Care Net on a daily basis.
  • Make a monthly pledge to support the ministry.
  • Be a Table Sponsor and/or a Table Host for the Annual Banquet
  • Be the Link 2 Life Connection at your church.
  • Volunteer at the Center to work as a peer counselor, in the office, or as a member of a task force planning this year’s banquet.
  • Start a baby bottle drive at your church.
  • Let us know how we can better inform and encourage your church.

“I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.” Matthew 25:40.