Walk for Life Registration

Registration and Directions for the 5th Annual Care Net Fitchburg Walk for Life on Monday September 2nd 2024 at 10:00am


Where: Coolidge Park Fitchburg, MA
When: Monday September 2, 2024 10:00am
Goal: To raise $30,000 to help to meet budget this year.
Register: To register please fill in the registration form below or download and sign a waiver/release form found on our downloads page. Please contact us if you will be participating. If you cannot participate with us in person, please feel free to gather sponsors and walk on your own!
Questions? Please contact Wendy Mattis

Why Do We Host a Walk for Life?

This Walk is designed to raise funds for the FREE services offered at Care Net Fitchburg. Care Net Fitchburg comes alongside those experiencing unplanned pregnancies. These services include pregnancy testing, ultrasounds, pregnancy and childbirth classes, parenting classes, as well as post abortion recovery classes.

Prior to the walk on Monday September 2nd 2024

You will need to fill out the registration form at the bottom of this page and check off the box to sign the waiver. Or click here for the PDF version of the registration form if you would rather print the form and mail/email it to Care Net PRC.

Next, print the sponsor sheet so that you can track your sponsors and their payments.

Walk For Life Table information and last minute directions

In the event of rainy weather we will continue to hold the Walk unless there is lightning or unreasonable amounts of rain. Remember an umbrella just in case! The Care Net PRC table will be located at the far end of the park near to the Civic Center at the opposite end of the park to the pool. Our table will be right off of the walking trail and near to the soccer and hockey end of the walking trail. If you have not yet signed a waiver or received a sponsor sheet, they will be available at the table. The loop is 1 mile long. If you are unavailable to walk, please join us in prayer, or walk virtually, and consider an online donation.

After you complete the Walk/Run

After the event please either enter your sponsor information on the website or click here to print and mail the sponsor sheet to:
Care Net PRC
PO Box 511
Fitchburg, MA 01420

After the event sponsors can pay directly through the friends website at friendsofcarenetfitchburg.org and under the section “Optional:” choose ‘in honor of’ and then place your name and your sponsor’s name (see example below). Or sponsors can pay you and you can pay the total online or by check.

Example Walk/Run online sponsor donation


Questions? Please contact Wendy Mattis.

Registration and waiver form

    Your Mailing Address (required)

    You must check the box above as your signature of agreement and acknowledgement of waiver in order to be registered for this walk/run.


    Join our Fundraising Walk/Run!