…it is impossible that those, who are implanted into Christ by a true
faith, should not bring forth fruits of thankfulness. Heidelberg Catechism, Q.64
Yesterday, some thirty people came together and invested significant sweat equity to essentially complete the demolition phase of the project. What a blessing! Earlier in the week, electrician Dave Litalien and Nick Cannavino (son of Pete), both from Leominster Assembly of God, had performed the electrical work necessary for this phase of the project in an efficient and tidy manner. Pete Cannavino arrived at 8:00 AM and laid out
the work for the day with Board President David Bodanza. Joyce Hemenway of
Heritage Bible Chapel also showed up early on the scene and began pulling
nails. Scott Collins, a sincere supporter of life, picked up a hammer and saw
and got right to work in the future counseling room. He attends Trinity Congregation
in Bolton.
Steel studs and sheetrock yielded to Sawzalls and weighty hand tools as workers made the place ready for construction. Dave Haschig and David F. Bradley were both back for round two. Dave Haschig worships at Messiah Lutheran Church and is a Care Net board member. David F. Bradley worships at Hope Fellowship in New Ipswich, NH and is making the most of his retirement! Sheavoynne Wilson, also from our board, stopped by with water and snacks. She and her family worship our Lord at New Hope Community Church in Ayer.
Once again, First Baptist Church of Leominster sent us a troupe of workers, young and old, male and female. Pastor Lars Larson and his daughter Anna, Brandon LeClerc, Daniel Anderson, Justin Brooks, Bill Downey, David S. Bradley, Lloyd Seymour, Keith
Chan and his daughter Angelina and son Aiden and David Bodanza and his son Michael were all on the scene. It should be noted that no wall stands a chance with Justin Brooks! Tony Lepore, with his sons Caleb and Benjamin, came by at just the right point and blessed us with his master plumbing skills. God’s timing is perfect! Joyce Hemenway and her mom, Ann Fleming, provided us with lunch. They both attend Heritage Bible Chapel. Brenda and Marissa Bodanza stopped by in the afternoon and
provided some fresh baked brownies. Dan Beauregard put in his share of sweat
equity on round two with our old friend Kevin Burke, as Executive Director Gail
Gardner pushed some broom and swept away some of the inevitable debris. Lord
willing, we’ll be back next Saturday, September 3, for round three! Construction begins…
God is so good! Thanks to Him and to you all for such gracious help.