We are ready to enter our final stage of preparation. The contractors are lining up. What a glorious journey this has been. Our bottle drive continues. It’s been a full summer, and an active one. We’ve done abstinence presentations at several churches, we’ve had speaking engagements at others and St. John’s in Townsend delivered the 5,000 plus diapers they collected to our center on Main Street in Fitchburg. Paula and I interviewed a new R.N. volunteer this week, and Dan has been busy with our web pages. Our board president was ordained on July 31st and is now “The Reverend David Bodanza”. The bulk of the red tape necessary for us to continue our mission has been in Dave’s hands and he patiently and persistently got it done. I’ve attached a pdf file from St. John’s featuring Care Net. Praise God for his continued provision.
Gail Gardner

Diapers outside the door at St. John's

Jessica and Paula receiving the 5,000 diapers