What a night! About 220 of our friends and financial supporters attended our fundraising banquet on October 24, 2014. Our President, David Haschig, began by welcoming our guests. Fr. Michael Clemens, Associate Pastor at St. Joseph’s, opened in prayer and gave the blessings of the meal. After dining, our Executive Director, Gail Gardner gave us an update on all that God is doing in Fitchburg, and our surrounding community, through Care Net PRC.
Next, David Haschig spoke and then introduced Merry Nordeen, who worked on the “Choose Life License Plate” project (Ken Nordeen was called out of town on business and was unable to attend). Merry spoke on all the challenges and legal dealing to launch the “Choose Life Plates” in Massachusetts. An amazing story which we all listened to intently. After Merry’s speech, David Haschig and Gail Gardner presented our Pro-Lifetime Achievement Award to Ken and Merry Nordeen.
Christine Brown shared a poem titled – “This much.” What a blessing to hear this original and fun poem. Christine is a woman of many talents. Besides writing, she owns a business called “Fawn” which makes antique authentic baby clothing. She has sales in the U.S. and internationally.
We continued our night with our client video story. A powerful message from a young woman whose unplanned pregnancy transformed from crises to blessing. Love, acceptance, support, and personal growth were evident in her message. Yes, there are challenges but God is doing an amazing work in the lives of young woman, like the one we met this night. She blessed us all by bringing her baby and mom to the banquet.
Next, we heard a few words from our Medical Director Dr. John Worden and our Nurse Manager, Paula Butler. Dr. Dan Ervin presented our fundraising appeal. After which, introduced Pastor David Bodanza, of Mission Street Congregational Church in Gardner, MA, who lead us in song and perform the closing prayer.
We ended the night before 8:30pm. What a blessing!
Thank you all for your support of Care Net PRC. You make it possible for us to minister to, support, counsel, and provides help to young women who face unplanned pregnancies in Fitchburg and the surrounding area.