March has been a busy month for us.
We filed for the renewal of our clinic license on March 10th. A lot of time and energy was needed as we set out to do our “Risk Analysis” for HIPPA. It is finished and we’re moving forward with the whole process of implementing new rules and documents.
Three of us, Paula, Nurse Manager, Wendy, Client Advocate and I went to Worcester for an open house. Clearway Clinic is our sister organization in Worcester. It also is affiliated with Care Net and has recently become a Medical Clinic. Kelly is their Executive Director.
On March 29th, Paula, Nurse Manager, Rose and Mary, our Staff Nurses and I attended a conference at Assumption College. Among the speakers were Linda Thayer, VP of Educational affairs for Mass Citizens for Life, Paul Carpentier, MD, president of American Academy of Fertility Care Professionals, and others. A rewarding discussion on beginning and end of life issues were presented.