From all of us to all of our donors and supporters; Thank you!
What a night. Over 240 people attended this year’s 2015 Fundraising Banquet. We started the evening with our President David Haschig welcoming our donors and guests. Pastor David Jacoby led us in prayer before dining.
This year’s Pro-Live Achievement award was presented to Megan Therriault for raising over $10,000 for Care Net during the 10 years she has been running the Boston Marathon.
Next, our Executive Director, Gail Gardner presented the Center Report and accomplishments this past year at Care Net. All glory to God for His faithfulness to this organization and our community.
There was a presentation to Dawn Weld in honor of her husband John (we all know him as Jack). What a blessing Jack has been to Care Net for many decades. We look forward to seeing you again in glory, dear friend.
Leah and Lindsy Thibodeau performed “Does Anybody Hear Us”, by Casting Crowns. What a blessing!
Our Nurse Manager Paula Butler, shared a story from the Center on how God honored prayer and saved another life from abortion. It was a story of a young woman, in a crisis pregnancy who could see no other option but abortion. Through counseling, prayer, and with the support of the staff at Care Net, this young woman chose life! She plans on placing her baby into adoption. This act will bless another family who desperately want children. What a story, what answer to prayer, what an outreach we have at Care Net, what an honor to God!
Next, Pastor David Bodanza spoke to our donors and guests. His message: Let us all come along side and be helpers to Care Net and this ministry God has placed in our community. A special guest appearance by actors from New Life Fine Arts playing “Christian” and “Helper” from the story of The Pilgrims Progress, came to encourage us all to be helpers to the work being done at Care Net.
In conclusion, Elizabeth Jacoby on the violin and Ed Laliberte on the keyboard, introduced Amazing Grace. Both Elizabeth and Ed are from Messiah Lutheran Church. Pastor David Bodanza and Pastor David Stewart led us in singing Amazing Grace and closed in prayer.