The staff and directors of CareNet Pregnancy Resource Center all say Thank You, to our guests and donors for a wonderful evening and successful fundraiser banquet. You make the Compassion, Care, and Counsel we do here at the center possible.

40 Years of Excellence
Our Center was originally named The Family Life Center in 1976, just three years after Roe v Wade. We graciously received a grant of $3,000 from the Campaign for Human Development to cover the cost of rent for one year as a start-up fund. That grant required that we be housed in a low income neighborhood. The first location was on Daniel Street in Fitchburg. The Family Life Center maintained a clothing thrift store to help finance services.
In 2004 Family Life Center changed names when it became affiliated with CareNet, we became CareNet Pregnancy Resource Center of North Central Massachusetts. In 2006 we became licensed as a medical clinic and extended services to include ultrasounds.
In 2012 due to a renovation project at the Burbank campus, we needed a new location. We prayerfully considered where our next location would be and the Lord brought us to our present home at 515 Main Street. Our first task was to transition our new space which was a little worn out, to a medical clinic that would meet state requirements. God provided, He brought us licensed professionals who volunteered their time and talent to completely fit-up this new facility. He brought us generous donors who helped with the costs.
Today we continue to serve North Central Massachusetts from our base in Fitchburg. We share God’s desire for every baby to be recognized as the gift that he or she is. Our own Rose Giammalvo continues to volunteer at the center, and has since its inception in 1976. Thank you Megan Seymour for the cake.

Welcoming guests and donors
Banquet 2016: Abundant Life, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” John 10:10
What a gathering. We came together to celebrate life, honoring our mission to bring life-affirming alternatives to abortion. We shared stories. Our own board president shared his story about his own life and how his birth mother chose adoption. It brought tears to our eyes.

Bruce Binney, Board President

“Abundant Life” table setting
In all we do we give thanks to our Lord. Pastor David Jacoby from Messiah Lutheran presented our opening prayer.

Board and staff members in prayer
Our 2016 Pro-Life Achievement Award was presented to Dr. Mark Rollo.

Paula Butler Nurse Manager, Dr. Mark Rollo, Bruce Binney
Amazing grace, how sweet the sound.
We want to thank the individuals and businesses that came together to make this event an evening to remember. Our evening ended with the hymn “Amazing Grace” by John Newton. Our four “Daves” led us.

David Haschig, elder Messiah Lutheran; David Stewart, pastor New Life; David Jacoby, pastor Messiah Lutheran; and David Bodanza, pastor Mission St. CC
And all God’s children said “Amen”.