It is an exciting time when we are able to gather with our co-workers from all over New England for a training. Pictured are Rose and Laurie, Client Advocates, Gail, Executive Director, Aimee, LPN and Paula, Nurse Manager. Wendy, our Director of Development took the picture. We all met at Freedom Worship Center in West Boylston on May 30th. Our teacher was Cynthia Hopkins, VP of Center Services and Client Care, Care Net headquarters in Virginia. She gave us an introduction on how to be a “Pregnancy Decision Coach.”
“Jesus is our perfect example of qualities we want to emulate as we serve in the pregnancy center ministry. His earthly ministry was characterized by many traits, including authenticity, acceptance, humility, and empathy.” At the training we explored what each of these traits meant to us and how we would use them to bring compassion, hope and help to men and women facing unplanned pregnancy.
Choose Life Plate
Mark Conrad, facilitator, proudly wore his choose life plate t-shirt. This training is underwritten by a grant from them. If you don’t have a “Choose Life” plate it may be time for you to consider obtaining one. It is a wonderful way to raise public awareness and needed funding to support positive choices of Life, Adoption and Safe Havens for men and women facing unplanned pregnancies.
Spare some change to make a change
If you haven’t picked up a baby bottle to fill with change at your church, stop by the center and we’ll gladly give you one.