Pastor Ruben Cabrera tours the center
We welcome Pastor Ruben Cabrera to our North Central Mass family. He and his wife have just moved to Templeton and he will be serving Bethany Baptist Church in Gardner. Bethany Baptist is one of the many churches that partners with us as we serve with Compassion, Care and Counsel. With Pastor Cabrera are Wendy Mattis, our Director of Development and Gail Gardner, Executive Director. Mayor Mazzarella had to leave early to attend a meeting and Paula Butler, our Nurse Manager took the picture.
Mayor Mazzarella tours the center
Thank you Mayor Dean Mazzarella of Leominster for taking time from your busy schedule to stop by for a tour of our center. Fitchburg and Gardner mayors were busy on the 15th and unable to come. We hope to connect with them at another time.
Save the date for the 16th Annual Fundraising Banquet
Thursday, October 18, 2018 at Doubletree by Hilton, Leominster
Being a medical clinic is costly. We do not receive any government funding. Individuals, churches and businesses with a heart for those in need are our source of income. All our services are free of charge and include pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, childbirth education and more. Register today for the Annual Fundraising Banquet.