For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
Psalm 139:13

Thank you for investing in life.

Our work continues in this “new kind of normal” we are living in. During our state emergency shutdown we have been reaching moms and potential moms over the phones. We have been able to counsel them, pray with them, and alleviate some of their anxiety. We hope you are able to partner with us in our virtual bottle drive. Our goal is $30,000. Our expenses have not gone away. New expenses will be added as we find our way through this “new kind of normal.” Life is precious. Help us to serve and meet the needs of our community during these difficult times.

In His love,
Gail Gardner
Executive Director


We hope you are able to partner with us in our virtual bottle drive. Our goal is $30,000. Simply enter “Bottle Drive” in the “Donation is In Honor” section of donation form. See example below.

Example donation to the Baby Bottle Drive

Enter your donation amount and click Continue
Fill in form, choose “Donation is” and select “In Honor” and enter “Bottle Drive”. Then click Process and you will receive a receipt for your donation.

After clicking Process you will immediately receive a receipt of your donation which you can print for your records.